How to Tame your Anger with Inner Peace?
Maintaining equanimity comes naturally to some, however, most of the people lack the inherent ability to do that on an everyday basis. This makes them short tempered, and this can often be the root cause of them sabotaging their relationships. They may later regret what they said in the burst of anger but by that time, the damage is done and the person is no longer a part of their life. To tame anger, many choose anger management classes but it does not always work for them. An effective alternative approach to keep the anger in check and gain equanimity is by achieving inner peace. Here is how inner peace can help in controlling the anger:

1. Own Your Emotions One of the ways in which inner peace helps is by making you self-aware; you learn to own up to your emotions. If ever there is an impulse to do something, inner peace will help you take your time and contemplate whether or not you should act upon that impulse. If you do, you will have the mental strength to take the responsibility for its effects, and face the consequences.
2. Think before you speak Having equanimity means not losing your calm regardless of the circumstances. With inner peace, you do not give in to impulses. Consequently, you analyze before speaking. That way, you speak carefully in order to not say something hurtful to someone.
3. It makes you compassionate People who are compassionate are generally equanimous. When you learn to sympathize with others and spend time to understand their troubles to help them, you gradually begin to lose that angry temperament and transcend into calmness.
4. Understand what makes you angry This is one of the important benefits of inner peace. It makes you self-aware, and you start thinking about what makes you angry. It helps you get to the core of it. Once you realize what makes you angry, you can take steps to overcome it.
Achieving inner peace is not as easy as it sounds. It needs guidance from a spiritual healer. There have been many scams where impersonators have misguided and taken advantage of unsuspecting individuals. And then there are healers like Chamunda Swami Ji who have dedicated their life for the betterment of people. So, ensure that the spiritual healer you are seeking guidance from can be trusted or not.